
Good entrepreneurship, integrity, respect, oversight, transparent reporting and accountability are the cornerstones of Cosun’s corporate governance policy.

They also underpin the relations between the members of the Cooperative, the Board, the Supervisory Board, the Cosun Executive Board and the workforce.

Governance framework

Control of the cooperative rests with its members in our basic model, in part through the Board which they elect and which consists of three members of the cooperative and three non-members. Daily management is in hands of the President of the Cosun Executive Board. Members of the cooperative also form a majority on the Supervisory Board to ensure that they have the deciding vote.


Cosun is a cooperative of 8,100 beet growers. The members grow sugar beets and other crops which they supply to the Cosun Beet Company’s sugar factories after harvest.

Cosun governance

Cosun Executive Board

The directors of the business groups and Cosun directors with a functional portfolio, such as Innovation, Corporate Development and Finance & Control, make up the Cosun Executive Board.

Cosun Executive Board

Hans (J.A.M.) Meeuwis

President & CEO

Maarten (M.G.C.N.) van Delst

CEO Aviko

Mieke (M.H.A.) Philipsen

Chief Financial Officer

Suzanne (S.M.) Jungjohann

Chief Human Resources Officer

Paul (P.H.J.) Mesters

CEO Cosun Beet Company

Maaike (M.J.C.W.) van den Maagdenberg

Chief Corporate Development Officer

The Board

The Board’s primary duty is to manage the cooperative. It also has final responsibility for the formulation and implementation of the policy for the Cooperative and all the Cosun companies.  The Board has nine members, three of whom are not members of the cooperative.

Cosun has drawn up a job description for Board members.
The Board

Arwin (A.W.) Bos


Ger (G.) Evenhuis

Vice chairman

Adrie (A.J.B.P) Bossers


Bert (B.C.) Jansen

External member

Ben (B.R.) van Doesburgh

External member and Deputy Chairman

Freek (F.) Rijna

External member

Martine (M.) Hommes-Gesink


Marianne (A.A.C.M.) van den Hoek-Huybregts


Maarten (M.S.M.) Heijne


Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board supervises the policy pursued by the Board.  As an independent body, it advises the Board and the Members’ Council on its own initiative and when requested. Together with the external auditor, it examines the Cooperative’s annual accounts. The Supervisory Board has six members, two of whom are not members of the Cooperative.

Cosun has drawn up a job description for members of the Supervisory Board.
Supervisory Board

Theo (T.P.) Koekkoek


Edwin (E.H.W.J.E.) Michiels


Jacqueline (J.P.) Rijsdijk

External member

Pieter (P.J.) van Maldegem


Bas (B.) Alblas

External member

Liane (C.) den Besten


Members’ Council and Youth Council

Cosun members elect the committee of the district/section in which their company is located. All the Cosun District Committees together form the Members’ Council. This body elects the members of the Board from a list of candidates put forward by the Board.  It also elects the members of the Supervisory Board from the list of candidates put forward by the Supervisory Board.  The Members’ Council also adopts the annual accounts, the Articles of Association and the regulations on the Board’s recommendation.  Finally, it also serves as a sounding board for the Board. The Members’ Council consists of 61 members, who are all members of the Cooperative. Cosun has drawn up a job description for members of the District Committees and the Members’ Council.

The Youth Council is the talent pool for managers within the cooperative. The members of the Youth Council represent aspiring and young members. Local district and section managers nominate one or more members of the Youth Council. Together they form the national Youth Council.

Members’ Council and Youth Council


11 board members
2 Youth Council members

Overijsel Zuid/Gelderland

3 board members
1 Youth Council member

West Brabant/Zuid-Holland

8 board members
2 Youth Council members

Drenthe/Overijsel Noord

10 board members
2 Youth Council members


9 board members
2 Youth Council members


4 board members
2 Youth Council members

Zuidoost Nederland

9 board members
2 Youth Council members


8 board members
2 Youth Council members


Compliance is a measure of a person’s or organisation’s willingness to act in accordance with relevant legislation and regulations and the specific codes of conduct that are enforced within an organisation.

Cosun’s own code of conduct applies to all group employees, regardless of their role or location.  We also observe the code that was specifically prepared for large cooperatives by the Dutch Council for Cooperatives. The external auditor examines the Cooperative’s annual accounts and the consolidated financial statements of the group and its companies.

NCR Governance Code

Cosun is a member of the Dutch Council for Cooperatives (NCR). The Council has introduced a code for good governance, prepared by and for cooperatives.

External auditor

Per 2013 financial year, the annual accounts of Coöperatie Koninklijke Cosun U.A. are audited by:

Ernst & Young Accountants LLP
PO Box 4555
600 AL Eindhoven (The Netherlands)

Global Tax Policy

As a large international group of agro-industrial companies Cosun has decided to publish its Global Tax Policy.

Central Works Council

The Central Works Council was established for all Dutch Cosun companies. It consists of 11 members, all of whom are members of a company works council. The Central Works Council advises on matters such as the sale of businesses, reorganisations, and the group’s strategy. It consults periodically with the CEO & President of the Executive Board.