Op 13 februari jl. zijn de voorlopige resultaten 2019 bekendgemaakt. Met de publicatie van het jaarverslag 2019 worden de definitieve resultaten gepresenteerd.
There are no significant differences between the provisional figures presented in February and the figures in the 2019 annual report. The annual report was published on 19 March 2020 and will be put to the Annual General Meeting for adoption in June. At the time of publication, the Corona crisis had just broken out in Europe and the consequences for Cosun in 2020 and later years were still difficult to foresee. It has become clear in the past few weeks, however, that the crisis will have an enormous impact on the group in 2020. Aviko in particular will see a sharp drop in its sales owing to the closure of restaurants and bars.
You can download Royal Cosun’s annual report for 2019 here.